OBRAMS - Rimfire Action
Location: Outdoor Range
Contact Chairman: Rich Ruff (obrams2017@gmail.com)
Co-Chairman: Jim Casarella (obrams2017@gmail.com)
Description: Old Bridge Rimfire Action Matches (OBRAMS) use only .22LR rimfire rifles and pistols.
Website: http://obrams.org
3rd Saturday 9:00 am—5:00 pm
Exactly as the name suggests, we are a rimfire based action shooting league. We meet on the third Saturday of the month, from April through November. We are similar to USPSA style shooting and use 2GN rules. Targets are a mix of paper and steel, both static and reactive We do not draw from a holster and start from low ready. You will need both a rimfire rifle and pistol, 4 or 5 magazines for each, and approximately 200 rounds to compete. There is movement involved, and some varied positions. We are a SAFE, casual and fun based league environment. New shooters will be given an orientation and must be qualified to participate. Occasionally prizes are given. There are three divisions: Iron, open, and tactical. Member fee is $5, and non-member fee is $10.
Hope to see you there