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Location: Outdoor Range

Contact: John Le Goff:

Description: Black Powder firearms are slow to load but a whole lot of fun to shoot.

Join us the first and third Sunday of the month at 9:00 am for a real blast from the past.
Our Regular matches are held on the third 
Sunday of each month, weather permitting, at our outdoor range.
On the first Sunday of each month we shoot the NRA Winchester Qualifiers for both pistol and rifle.
Anyone interesting in participating in these matches much have already shot in at least 1 regular match and own their own equipment. For club members, we will supply equipment at regular matches for one match only (to see if you like the sport and to also help you see what type of firearm you might want to purchase). Anyone interesting in participating in these events should contact Lance Brunner.

 The fee for members is $5.00 and we charge $20.00 for non members.

  • The OBRPC Blackpowder League has been operating for over twenty years.

  • We offer the opportunity to shoot blackpowder style firearms in competitive but friendly matches.

  • Out shoots start with a pistol match at 25 yards using Single shot, cap and ball revolvers or black powder cartridge revolvers.

  • We fire 13 shots at a B-19 target, top 10 shots are counted.

  • We have two divisions, one for the single shot firearms and one for revolvers.

Following the pistol match, we shoot rifles beginning at 50 yards, were we shoot seven shots at a B-6 target followed by 13 shots at 100 yards using an SR-1 target.
The aggregate score of 150 is used to determine our winners. The Rifle matches are divided into four divisions, A being Patch and Ball, B covers all conical type shot, C covers all Blackpowder cartridge and D is for any smoothbore style rifle (we do use a slightly different format for the smoothbores, shooting at 25 and 50 yard distances).

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