High Power
Location: Outdoor Range
Contact: Chairman: Paul Rodina (732-525-2739)
Email: kprodina@optonline.net
Description: High Power is a precision 100-yard match using centerfire rifles, capable of fast reloading via mags or stripper clips. ARs or military semi autos, even bolt actions are acceptable. While traditionally permitting only iron sights the match now allows optics up to 4 1/2 power..
2nd Sunday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Year Round
A relay consists of 4 matches:
10 rounds in 10 minutes offhand ( standing position)
10 rounds in 60 seconds in sitting position (including required reload)
10 rounds in 70 seconds from prone position (including required reload)
20 rounds in 20 minutes from prone position
Bring about 60 rounds (50 for the relay) and some extra for sighters which can be shot before each match.We start at 9:00 AM on the 2nd Sundays, each relay takes about 2 hours. No preregistration is necessary, 1st come 1st served. Please make sure your rifle is basically sighted for 100 yards before you enter.